About Andra

Andra started writing on this blog since his participation in the American Field Services (AFS) exchange student program to the United States so he could share his exchange life and experiences in the States with his friends and family in Indonesia. Long before that, as the Co-Founder of West Sumatra Child Forum, he loved sharing his organizational experiences and his contributions to fighting for children’s rights, especially in West Sumatra. Therefore, he was awarded the Indonesian Child Ambassador title from KOMNAS Perlindungan Anak and the Indonesian Young Leader Award by the President of the Republic of Indonesia & UNICEF Indonesia.

This 33 years-young-man received his B.A. in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia in February 2014, and is currently an I/O Psychologist candidate from the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tarumanagara.

He has a huge passion for human resource management, recruitment, talent management, and corporate culture. Currently, he is working professionally as an HR Recruitment professional in one of the national mining companies in Jakarta.

After focusing more on work, he is now writing more about his life, his self-talk (to himself), movie and music reviews, and his travel journeys.

To all readers, thank you for visiting this blog. Enjoy, and don’t forget to leave your comments! You can also contact him; just click here! 

8 thoughts on “About Andra

  1. nDra…..




    ad NDaK CoW GuAnTeNg Di SkULL NdRa???????


    1. wahhh Andra baru nyadar ada comment nya ncepp..
      keamren ini beberapa bulan emang lagi nggak ada niat buat nulis *parah gila sumpah dah

      Ada kok mampir ke Blog Ncepp..

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